Remember that nagging feeling at the back of your mind about updating your demat and mutual fund nominations? Worry no more! SEBI, the market watchdog, has just given you a much-needed breather by extending the deadline for selecting nominees until June 30th, 2024.

Why is this important?

Choosing a nominee ensures that your hard-earned investments in demat accounts and mutual funds reach the right people after your passing. Without a nominee, the process can become complicated and lengthy, causing unnecessary stress for your loved ones.

So, what’s changed?

Originally, the deadline for nominations was December 31st, 2023. However, SEBI recognized the need for more time and understanding, given the importance of the decision. This extension provides a valuable window of opportunity to get your affairs in order.

What should you do next?

  1. Don’t delay! Mark June 30th on your calendar and prioritize choosing a nominee.
  2. Think carefully. Choose someone you trust and who is capable of managing your financial assets responsibly.
  3. Contact your demat account provider or mutual fund house. They can guide you through the nomination process and answer any questions you might have.


  • This extension doesn’t mean you should put it off indefinitely. Procrastination is the enemy of financial planning!
  • Choosing a nominee is a crucial step in securing your loved ones’ future and ensuring your wishes are respected.
  • Don’t hesitate to seek assistance from your financial advisor or investment provider if you need help.

Take advantage of this extension and make a well-informed decision about your nominees. It’s not just about paperwork, it’s about peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones.

By Finvestor Social Media

Krishna Rath is a SEBI Registered Investment Adviser, and since 2015 has been educating netizens on investments and insurance. Krishna is a fee only SEBI RIA and is Odisha's first SEBI RIA. With background in IT, Krishna is changing the advisory space with new innovations in AdvisoryTech.

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