The Securities and Exchange Board of India’s (SEBI) board is scheduled to meet on June 27th, 2024. Among the key topics on the agenda is a proposal for new entry criteria for trading in single stock derivatives (SSDs). SSDs are financial instruments based on the price movements of individual stocks.

According to media reports, the board will be briefed on the proposal and may decide to implement new rules for trading in SSDs. This isn’t the first time SEBI has considered this issue. The proposal was previously discussed in November 2023, but the board requested more data and deliberation before finalizing any changes.

The move aims to potentially increase stability and reduce risks in the derivatives market. By limiting derivatives trading to more established stocks, SEBI might be trying to prevent excessive volatility and speculation, especially with smaller or less liquid stocks.

SEBI has reportedly been considering ways to address the rising influence of financial influencers, or finfluencers, on investor decisions. These individuals, often active on social media, can sway investment choices with their recommendations.

While easier delisting might benefit companies, it could raise concerns for investors. Delisting can limit access to information about a company’s financial performance and make it harder for investors to exit their holdings.

These are just reported discussions from the SEBI board meeting. We await official announcements from SEBI to confirm any changes or specific details. It’s important to note that these are potential measures, and further deliberations could modify or even scrap these proposals.

The Bottom Line:

SEBI’s focus on tightening derivatives rules, regulating finfluencers, and potentially simplifying delisting reflects its commitment to protecting investors and maintaining market stability. Investors should stay informed about any official announcements from SEBI to understand the potential impact on their investment decisions.

By Bhoi Smrutirekha Dharanidhar

Smrutirekah is a finance enthusiast with a background in financial planning. Her passion for money management drives her to share practical tips and insights on this blog, empowering readers to take control of their finances. With clear, actionable advice, she helps oth

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